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Depression is a serious mental health issue. Those suffering from depression need support and professional help. If yous suspect someone is depressed, there are several signs to await for. Pay attention to any changes in behavior. The person may be sleeping less, eating less, or losing weight. Sentinel for whatsoever changes in mood. A person living with low may suffer from mood swings and struggle to concentrate. If yous believe someone is considering suicide, make sure they seek professional aid.

  1. 1

    Lookout man for a loss of pleasure. Anhedonia, or a loss of pleasure in daily activities, is a common symptom of depression. Lookout for signs someone no longer experiences pleasure in activities they one time enjoyed.[one]

    • Y'all tin can notice this in subtle ways. For example, a formally social person may reject invitations to go out. A co-worker who used to always listen to music at their desk may suddenly work in silence. A person who used to e'er be on the computer may suddenly stop using it.
    • You lot may also notice a person only seems down or neutral much of the time. Someone may no longer grinning equally much or express mirth at jokes. A friend may not seem happy or very present at social events.
  2. two

    Pay attention to cynicism. Depression frequently causes a pessimistic overall outlook on life. If someone suddenly seems to be oft assuming the worst, low may exist to arraign. While one or ii days of pessimism may just be a bad mood, ongoing cynicism over prolonged periods may bespeak depression.[2]

    • Sometimes, this tin can be obvious. A person suffering from depression may say things like, "This is hopeless." Nevertheless, oft signs of cynicism are difficult to grab. A person with depression may sound more realistic than pessimistic.
      • For example, if someone is depressed they may say something like, "I studied and so difficult for that examination, just I doubt I'll get a decent grade." This may sound like the person is simply looking at the situation pragmatically. Still, if these kinds of statements are made frequently, they may point to depression.
    • If a person seems consistently pessimistic for many weeks, this may point depression.


  3. 3

    Expect for forced happiness. Forced happiness refers to someone putting on a happy face for others. A person may deny anything is wrong and act more upbeat than usual. However, this mask cannot be maintained. As a result, someone who is feigning happiness may withdraw from others for fear of being found out.[3]

    • While a person may seem cheery, you may worry that something is off. A friend may always be smiling when yous see them, simply you detect them pulling away.
    • You may realize someone who seems happy is turning down invitations to go out, infrequently returning texts and phone calls, and otherwise acting in a manner that isolates them from others.
    • If these patterns proceed for more a few days, this may point low.
  4. 4

    Lookout man for mood swings. People with depression may take volatile emotions. A normally laid back person may all of a sudden seem moody much of the fourth dimension. Mood swings are a very common indicator someone is depressed.[4]

    • Someone may be more irritable and hostile when depressed. For case, a friend living with depression may snap at you for beingness a few minutes late to a social issue.
    • A person living with depression may be very brusque-tempered. For example, a co-worker may become frustrated quickly when explaining something to you lot at the role.
    • If this happens only once or twice, the person may just be having a bad day. However, if this blueprint of beliefs continues for a while, it may betoken depression.
  5. five

    Run into if the person struggles to concentrate. Depression can clog the mind with negative thoughts. This makes concentration difficult. If someone is suffering from low, you may discover a decrease in productivity.[5]

    • With depression, concentration issues can often touch social and work life. A friend who is depressed may struggle to hold down a conversation. A student suffering from low may suddenly exist turning in papers late or not at all.
    • Missing deadlines and neglecting obligations is also a common indicator someone is struggling to concentrate. If a normally punctual co-worker keeps missing meetings and reports, this could be a sign of depression.
  6. 6

    Be alert to extreme guilt. People with low may feel guilty. Guilt about every aspect of ane's life may be an indicator of depression. If yous notice someone expressing a lot of guilt, specially over piddling matters, this person may be depressed.[six]

    • The person may express guilt near past and present mistakes. For example, "I feel then bad I didn't piece of work harder in higher. I would take done amend during today'southward coming together. I'm bringing the whole company down."
    • A person experiencing depression may also experience bad for their emotions or existence in general. They may repent for not beingness a practiced friend, or feel the demand to repent for feeling down.


  1. 1

    Pay attending to sleep changes. Depression ofttimes causes changes to someone's sleep wheel. Someone with depression may struggle to sleep or sleep excessively. It can be hard to know about someone else's slumber schedule, just listen for whatever details they share or whatsoever changes in behavior that indicate sleep issues.[7]

    • The easiest mode to know virtually sleep changes is if someone shares the information with you. Someone may, say, complain about not getting plenty sleep or sleeping too much.
    • Behavioral changes can also alert you to changes in sleep habits. If someone seems groggy or off during the solar day, they may be struggling to sleep.
    • If a roommate, romantic partner, or family member suddenly seems to exist sleeping a lot, they may be depressed.
    • Proceed in mind, many factors, including concrete ailments, can pb to a modify in slumber habits. Wait for long term changes in sleep habits that occur alongside other symptoms of depression.
  2. two

    Note changes in appetite. People with depression may eat excessively to cope with the stress. They may too non take an appetite and, as a consequence, eat less.[eight]

    • If someone is overeating, you may detect them snacking more frequently and eating larger meals. For instance, your roommate may suddenly order take out several times a day.
    • If someone is under-eating, they may frequently skip meals. You may notice, for example, a co-worker suffering from depression stops eating lunch.
  3. 3

    Consider a person's employ of drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse tin exist a major indicator of depression. While non all people suffering from depression develop substance corruption issues, many do. Information technology'south not uncommon for a person experiencing low to beginning drinking heavily or using other recreational drugs.[ix]

    • If you live with someone who is depressed, you may notice them using substances more often. For instance, your roommate starts drinking well-nigh nights, including nights earlier classes.
    • Yous may also notice a co-worker or friend relying on substances more than. A co-worker may suddenly take frequent smoke breaks. A friend may want to become out drinking very frequently and usually drink to backlog.
  4. iv

    Wait for changes in weight. Due to changes in appetite and activity levels, changes in weight are not uncommon if someone is suffering from depression. This is oft the easiest symptom to notice. Depression tin can cause equally much every bit a 5% alter in body weight in a month'southward time. With depression, someone may lose or proceeds weight.[10]

    • If you notice someone has put on or lost weight recently, and this comes alongside other symptoms, this person may very well take depression.


  1. ane

    Pay attending to talk of death. If someone is suicidal, they may suddenly talk well-nigh death more often. Yous may hear someone pondering about expiry often and bringing the discipline upwardly frequently. They may, for instance, strike up a conversation nigh whether there's an afterlife.[11]

    • In extreme cases, a suicidal person may actually say something like, "I wish I was expressionless."
  2. 2

    Listen to negative statements. A suicidal person may be very negative near themselves and the globe. You may discover they practise non think things will change, and oftentimes talk about this fact. They will have a general feeling of hopelessness.

    • A suicidal person may say things similar, "Life is too difficult" or "There's no style out of this situation" or "At that place's nix I tin can practice to brand things better."
    • They may as well be very negative well-nigh themselves. You lot may hear things like "I'm a burden on everyone" or "Yous shouldn't take to deal with me."
  3. 3

    Watch for someone getting their affairs in order. This is a major crimson flag. Someone may piece of work overtime to pay off debts. They may also suddenly want to become their will in social club. You may also notice a suicidal person giving away valued possessions.[12]

  4. iv

    Listen to any discussions of a specific suicide program. One of the nigh unsafe signs of suicidal intent is when someone has a program. If someone is trying to obtain a deadly weapon or substance, they may exist suicidal. You may also find them writing what looks similar a suicide note.

    • If someone actually has a suicide plan, this is very dangerous. Y'all should immediately alarm emergency services. The person's life could exist in danger.
  5. 5

    Act appropriately if you think someone is suicidal. If you suspect someone is suicidal, it's important to take action. Suicidal thoughts are a medical emergency, and need to be addressed as such.[13]

    • Do not leave someone you suspect is suicidal alone. If the person attempts to damage themselves, telephone call ix-i-1 or emergency services in your area. You should too alarm a family unit member or friend every bit soon equally possible.
    • If you're not with the person, tell them to telephone call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255). If you lot're outside the Us, look for the equivalent in your country. In the UK, for case, they can call +44 (0) 8457 xc ninety 90.[14]
    • A suicidal person needs professional person intervention as before long as possible. It's of import to become them to a therapist or counselor. A suicidal person may demand to be temporarily hospitalized.


  1. ane

    Talk to the person. If you lot suspect someone is depressed, give them the chance to talk it out. While professional person help is needed, just talking tin can also help. A person living with depression needs support from loved ones.[15]

    • Bring up your concerns with the person. You can start with something similar, "I've noticed you've been acting strange lately and I'm a little concerned."
    • Tactfully address whatever of the symptoms that concern you. For example, "You seem very tired lately. I know this could be for any reason, but take you been feeling okay?"
    • Allow the person know you're at that place to aid. Say something like, "If you desire to talk almost information technology, I would e'er exist happy to listen."
  2. two

    Encourage them to seek professional help. You cannot aid someone with low on your own. Try to get the person to see a psychiatrist or therapist to address the outcome. Counseling or medication may be needed.[16]

    • You tin can offer to assist them detect therapists in your area. If you're still in school, you tin direct them to the campus counseling eye.
  3. three

    Tell them you lot're willing to provide connected support. People with depression need connected back up. Permit the person know you lot're willing to drive them to appointments, aid them keep track of their schedule, and offer other ways of making their life easier while they're suffering from a tour of depression.[17]

    • Call back, even so, that y'all cannot solve someone else's problems. While y'all tin provide back up, it's still necessary for the person to seek professional help.


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  • If you think that someone suffers from depression, never tell them to "snap out of information technology" or say "you lot but desire attention". Comments like that will either make them harder on themselves or could push them to their breaking bespeak.

  • If the person you think is depressed recently gave birth, exist aware that they may exist suffering from postpartum depression.

  • If your friend doesn't want to talk, don't push them to do so. Just let them know you're willing to listen.

  • Be aware of how they react to sure things. When someone grabs their arm, sentinel to encounter if they wince from the pressure on their burns, scratches, cut, etc. If they smile when around people, merely weep/frown when alone, this may be a sign. Encounter if they start getting bad grades when they usually earn good grades.



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    Henry Walters

    Oct 11, 2018

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