Reading the Instructins on the Box Again and Again

The Do It Again StrategyWhat do you practice when your students perform an everyday procedure, like entering the classroom, in a mode that doesn't meet your expectations?

How do y'all respond when they announced to ignore your instructions about how y'all desire a classroom process completed?

Less effective teachers typically respond in 1 of 2 ways.

They either let information technology become and move on to something else, or they raise their voice, show their disappointment, and dissect everything the students did incorrect.

The erstwhile will issue in more of the same beliefs from students and an eventual loss of control (run across article on cleaved windows theory). And the latter, when repeated often enough, volition cause private resentment and make classroom management an uphill battle.

The "Practice It Again" Strategy

The best response is to utilize a strategy that is proven to be both effective and easy on the teacher. It's called the "do it once again" strategy. The style information technology works is when your students don't meet your expectations for a classroom procedure, you enquire them to do information technology once again.

This is a widely used classroom management strategy, but information technology'south rarely utilized in a mode that makes it most constructive.

A mutual fault is calculation negative commentary while students are doing the procedure over once more. The fact is, students understand why they accept to do it again and don't benefit from the teacher spelling it out for them.

You don't need to make students miserable or fill them with guilt to become your point across. Plus, there'south that whole resentment thing that threatens to undermine the trustful relationship you take with your students.

The nearly effective teachers are able to concur students accountable without causing friction in the educatee/teacher relationship.

Some other mistake is using the strategy inconsistently. If your students perform a process incorrectly or inappropriately and y'all let it pass without a response, even one time, you'll undo the work y'all did educational activity the procedure in the first place.

You take a responsibility to yourself and your sanity to brand certain procedures are done correctly. When your students know what to do and how to do information technology throughout every moment of the school day, your chore becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

Further, teaching a process and then non holding students accountable when it's done poorly is bad education.

Effective classroom management requires an unbending commitment to reply every time expectations aren't met.

How To "Do It Again"

The "exercise it over again" strategy is an effective way to respond when your students don't meet the expectations you accept for a particular procedure. Only to ensure that the strategy is a success, there are 5 steps to keep in mind.

To brand these steps clearer, we'll use as an example a class of students who just entered the classroom noisily.

Step #ane – Before asking your students to trudge outside the room and redo the procedure, wait until they're finished doing information technology incorrectly and are seated, tranquility, and looking at you. Simply then, and after a long interruption, should you begin to speak.

Step #2 – Simply tell your students that they did it wrong. Don't rehash every fault they made or remind them of how they're supposed to enter the classroom. They already know. That is, if yous taught them the process thoroughly enough the first time.

Stride #three – In a calm voice, say, "When I say 'Go' I want you to stand up up, walk outside, and then come up into the classroom like y'all're supposed to." If it's a main classroom, you might have to walk them out yourself. Even so, all students benefit from following procedures with as little support from you lot every bit possible. So don't hover; picket dispassionately from a distance.

Stride #4 – Don't say anything until the procedure is completed and your students are sitting and circumspect.

Footstep #5 – If they did the "entering the classroom" procedure correctly the second time effectually, let them know. With a smile, say, "Now that is how I look you lot to do it every time." If, even so, they didn't meet your expectations, fifty-fifty in a small-scale manner, you demand to teach it once more.

If you've been a regular reader to this blog, then you may have noticed that brevity in spoken language is a common theme. When information technology comes to classroom management, hashing things out and discussing mistakes is generally a waste material of time.

Students respond more favorably to actions and clear, concise voice communication. The "do information technology again" strategy fits this definition perfectly.

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